Another public employee has been fired for a racist social media post aimed at first lady Michelle Obama. Following the election of Donald Trump, police officer Joel Husk of Talladega, Alabama, went to Facebook to share his racist views with a meme.
The meme included a photo of Melania Trump with the words, “Fluent in Slovenian, English, French, Serbian, and German.” There was also a picture of Michelle Obama with the words, “Fluent in Ghetto.” The meme was racist and false considering Melania Trump attempted to be as fluent as Obama by plagiarizing her speech during the RNC.
Furthermore, Husk has a history of racist and anti-Obama posts on social media. In another meme that Husk posted, a member of the KKK is carrying the Confederate flag with the words, “The KKK is a hate group, right? Isn’t it about time we start being honest in America … and admit that #blacklivesmatter is also a hate group?”
He also posted another meme which suggested that Obama was responsible for the attacks against police in Dallas this past summer.
Husk’s racist Facebook post against Michelle Obama came days after Pamela Ramsey Taylor, director of Clay County Development Corporation in West Virginia, made a disparaging Facebook post aimed at Michelle Obama.
In the racist post, Taylor wrote, “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a [sic] Ape in heels.” The post was then liked by the mayor of Clay, Beverly Whaling, who wrote, “Just made my day Pam” in the comments section.
The post soon went viral as Taylor’s racist views created an uproar. Although she deleted the post, Taylor was placed on leave from her job and Whaling resigned from her position as mayor.
Husk, a member of the Talladega Police Department for two years, has since been fired.