Another pedophile was allowed to have access to kids. According to The Washington Times, Deonte Carraway was hired by Judge Sylvania Woods Elementary in Prince George County to serve as a school aide.
But instead of providing guidance to the students, Carraway sexually exploited kids who attended the school. At least 23 children from the ages of 9 to 13 were forced to participate in sex acts with Carraway, who also filmed the students. His exploits were uncovered when a parent of one of the victims saw a photo of a nude person on the child’s phone. The victim eventually revealed how Carraway would use Kik to communicate with the kids and send and receive sexual images and videos. Carraway filmed young boys and girls performing sex acts around the school, at a church, a recreational center and at the kids’ homes when their parents weren’t there.
In a past interview with Fox 5 in Washington, D.C., Carraway revealed that he was raped as a 10-year-old child and was almost raped in high school. But instead of protecting kids from similar forms of abuse, Carraway decided to become predatory and destroy the lives of other youth.
The case also sheds light on why it’s important for schools and youth centers to do extensive background checks on the people they hire. School officials must also take the time to understand what is occurring within the school and how kids are interacting with adults. Beyond the basics of providing education, school administrators must also take time to find out if improper contact has occurred with students and staff.
Carraway faces federal and local charges on child porn and sexual abuse. Charges were added after additional video of an exploited child emerged. In Prince George County, Carraway faces 270 counts of sex crimes and child pornography.