The CIA discovered that Russia played a major role in helping Donald Trump win the election. According to the Washington Post, Russian hackers were able to obtain emails from key leaders in the Democratic and Republican parties. However, the report discovered that Russian hackers only gave the DNC’s emails to Wikileaks. As a result, the CIA came to the conclusion that Russia made it a point to influence the 2016 Presidential Election in favor of Trump over Hillary Clinton.
President Barack Obama has since called on a full investigation of the Russian hacks the tilted the election. Trump won the election narrowly by winning three key states by a margin of about 1 percent.
Following the CIA’s discovery, Trump disputed the findings by the CIA with a statement from his transition team that read, “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again.'”
Trump’s dismissal is another example of why he’s unprepared to take on the most important job in the world. By firmly dismissing the findings of the CIA, he has chosen to create conflict with the agency that must keep him informed on issues that occur around the world. If he chooses to ignore the CIA, he has the power to put this country and its citizens in extreme danger.
By continuing with this form of ignorant neglect, Trump’s four years in the White House could be catastrophic for this country.