As the new year kicks into full swing, there is no better time to commit to developing healthy goals and habits. For many of us, these resolutions are related to health and relationships, but attorney Patrice N. Perkins is focused on career goals, as she made the transition from being a handsomely paid compliance attorney to opening her own law practice, Creative Genius Law. This major faith move is a very inspiring and uplifting one but it did not come without strategic planning. Luckily, Perkins has packaged this successful system for current and aspiring entrepreneurs who are ready to make the transition from employee to full-time business owner.
“The Quit KitTM is a systematic 90-day solution that helps budding entrepreneurs escape the 9-to-5 world and pursue entrepreneurial endeavors full time.” Many aspiring entrepreneurs face difficulties branching out on their own due to failure to create and implement an effective action plan for business. The Quit KitTM has an effective solution to all of these hurdles, offering “helpful worksheets, manifestos, legal cheat sheets and journal templates that allow users to be able to successfully plan, measure and track their entrepreneurial goals and progress.” This innovative system can be purchased for digital download for $97 at www.quitkit.co and can be repeated every 90 days until users feel comfortable and confident enough to step out on their own and pursue entrepreneurship full time.
“I wanted to work with creative entrepreneurs, exclusively, and help them make an impact on the world with their own brand of genius. To date, I’ve worked with several creative entrepreneurs in the startup phase of their business and helped them take their first steps out of a regular job and into the big, exciting, unknown of starting their very own enterprise.
“And that certainly is not easy. It took two years to plan my own 9 to 5 exit and I still didn’t feel ‘ready.’ But thanks to my excellent strategy, and the tools I used to plan, I was successful,” says Perkins.
If your New Year’s resolution is to be your own boss, make your way over to www.quitkit.co. to begin learning the steps you need to take to meet your entrepreneurial goals in 2017.