Pink Boss Vanessa Parker guides aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs

Vanessa Parker (Photo credit: Candas Perrin)

Launch your business with Pink Boss founder Vanessa Parker. A seasoned businesswoman, Parker shares how you can start, manage and grow your business.

What inspires you to show up at work every day?
Knowing that I am walking in purpose. Every day is not easy but people are depending on me to show up.

How did you determine your career path?
I didn’t it chose me. I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. It found me and I never looked back.

Describe the skills that will be essential to future business leader and innovators.
A true leader motivates and inspires others. Their focus is on building relationships and striving for results both in business and in their personal lives. A future business leader cannot be afraid of change. They cannot be afraid to be a voice for change and not afraid to change things in their business to stay innovative.

What innovative methods do you apply to your business and life?
I try to stay on top of new technology and trends to stay productive. Our family business and life are run on a shared family calendar. My phone is my lifeline to my business. I use apps for productivity, meditation, communication and creating marketing material.

How do you set goals and evaluate your success?
I try to create short, measurable goals. I write out my goals for each quarter and then break them down for each month. Once I have my goal list for the month I write out the small steps to obtain this goal and the steps I need to take each day. I evaluate my success at the end of each month. Some months I get it right and some times I don’t. I simply adjust and great ready for the next month.

Names three books that changed how you saw life that you would recommend to others.
1. Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office– Lois P. Frankel
2. Boss Women Pray– Kachelle Kelly
3. The Power of Habit– Charles Duhigg

Describe why lifelong learning is important to you.
I do not believe that you are growing if you are not learning. Lifelong learning is not just in business it is in learning about yourself. Life changes. In marriage, you are learning how to compromise and live with someone with different values and beliefs. When raising kids you are learning how to manage the development of a human in this crazy world. In business, you are learning your industry while learning how to make money. We do not always know what the right decisions are in these areas of our lives and the only way to get through is to learn.

What are the three most important factors of being a successful woman?
1. Being authentic
2. Identifying your own definition of success
3. Execution

What role does tecnology play in your daily life?
Technology wakes me up, keeps me productive, allows me to communicate and manage my business and life from the palm of my hand. I am a true believer in adopting technology to manage your time and manage your life and business efficiently.

What social media or digital tool has made the biggest difference in your life and why?
HootSuite, Square, Facebook. These tools allow us to reach an audience we would have no access to via word of mouth or traditional advertising. HootSuite allows me to stay active on social platforms without sitting on my computer posting all day.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
The love and respect that people have for each other. I believe that if we love and respect each other the world will be a better place.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Self-doubt. No matter how successful there is always a voice that says I can’t do it or I am not enough. I have learned to quiet that voice but it still exists and has caused me to miss opportunities.

Who or what motivates you and why?
My husband, children and my tribe motivate me. My husband is the most optimistic person I know. It is hard to be unmotivated or down with him. My children are my motivation because I want more for them and I know my success can provide them a better life. My tribe is a group of friends that make sure I do what I say I am going to do. They push me and are there to catch me if I fall.

What are the do’s and don’ts for young women in business?
1. Listen to your gut.
2. Stop wishing and start doing
3. Save your money and spend it wisely
4. Find women that lift you up and reach back to lift someone else up.
5. Enjoy life and stop being so serious

1. Don’t wait for perfection.
2. Don’t quit your day job, build your business while you are still employed.
3.Don’t forget that you have the power to live the life you want to live.
4. Don’t dim your light for others.

How do you successfully grow from business failure?
You identify the issues and why you failed. Dust yourself off, get up and start building again. You keep doing this over and over again until you get it right. Every failure is one step further to your success.

Name three successful female role models.
1. Tonya Hicks- Women Do Everything.
2. Toni Carey- Black Girls Run
3. Katerina Taylor- DeKalb Chamber of Commerce president

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