Before Super Bowl LI kicked off this past Sunday, the highly anticipated Young Moguls with a Plan annual event took place at the Marriott in Southfield, Michigan. Presented by YPVL and Lou Prezi, the event targeted aspiring entrepreneurs and moguls, and was indeed the place to be for forward-thinking millennials. The objective of the occasion was to encourage aspiring moguls to keep pushing toward their goals and remind them that it’s better to help each other reach them.
The event included a panel discussion filled with successful entrepreneurs and millennials all under age 30. Panelists included Michigan’s youngest State Representative. Jewell Jones, who was elected last November, K. Nicole, founder of The Detroit Hair Experience, Brittany Gregory, owner/ head cake baker of @Jarsofperfection, Carla Cotton, owner of @SpoiledForever clothing boutique and Lance Woods, chief dream director of The Future Project. Each panelist spoke about how they managed to rise above their circumstances, stressing how you can’t allow where you’re from to determine where you’re headed. They shared their success stories, explaining to youth in attendance that it took hard work, patience and faith. They also encouraged starting “right where you are.”
“It’s so important not to place a label on success, that’s where you get stuck,” said Michigan State Representative Jewell Jones. The panel was very engaging and gave listeners an opportunity to realize that they all came from similar backgrounds, growing up in metro Detroit, where it’s easy to become a product of your environment.
The venue was filled with millennials looking to network with like-minded young people and promote their business ventures. Vendors for the event were all young entrepreneurs, as well, including Brittany Alexis, SWEAT, Eden Imports, Jars of Perfection, Lou Prezi and the Bella Vamier Collection.
The seventh edition of Young Moguls with a Plan was undoubtedly a success. Everyone left feeling energized to team up with one another, looking forward to utilizing each other’s businesses and business plans, whether it be by purchase, promotion, plans to attend each other’s events or even just showing interest in each other’s talent. Most importantly, this event allowed a different light to shine on young adults in metro Detroit and the positive change that they’re bringing to the city.
See picture below.