DNC Chair Tom Perez addresses the GA Democratic State Dinner 2017  

Democratic National Chairman Tom Perez (Photo Source: Mo Barnes for Steed Media Service)
Democratic National Chairman Tom Perez (Photo Source: Mo Barnes for Steed Media Service)

If you thought the Georgia Democratic Party was not representative of Blacks, you are very much mistaken. Last night, the organization held its 2017 State Dinner and the crowd was a sea of diversity as attendees became fired up and ready to support the party platform and candidates.

National Democratic President Tom Perez started off the evening with energy and a sense of direction of and what the nation has faced. Perez stated that “We have been subjected to 100 days of chaos; 100 days of carnage with President Trump.”

Perez went on to state that havoc has been wreaked on America, especially when it comes to healthcare. In Georgia, 580K residents gained insurance through Obamacare and all of this is now endangered through Republican attempts to revise the Affordable Healthcare Act. In America, it is estimated that at least 4.3 million have pre-existing conditions and noted that “It’s not just Democrats that have pre-existing conditions but also Republicans.”

He went on to express his disappointment with the “skinny budget,” a wish list of spending requests from Congress and economic projections of the Trump administration. Perez stated that budgets are “moral documents and should reflect the community”; this is not what we are seeing with the Trump administration. He gave the example of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and her actions that would dramatically affect education in the United States. Perez stated, “I want a person in charge of an agency that is for public education and not against education.”

According to Perez, America is now waking up after 100 days and realizing the danger to our democracy. The 2018 midterm elections are going to be critical and voters must go to the polls. People cannot just be social media activists; it must be followed with definitive action and an agenda that swings the pendulum back towards progress. Perez reminded all of the much repeated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and added a call to action by concluding, “Yes, the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice but we must come together and make it bend.”

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