Events in the last several weeks have many lawmakers seriously considering impeachment of President Donald Trump. Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey and reports that Trump may have tried to pressure him into dropping an ongoing criminal investigation of former NSA Director Michael Flynn have some calling his action an attempt at obstruction of justice.
There is now ample grounds for the possible impeachment of President Trump based on the following:
When taking the Presidential Oath of Office, a president promises to “faithfully execute the laws and the Constitution”-Article 2, Section 2
Trump is unfaithfully executing his duties as president by accusing his predecessor, Barack Obama, of undertaking an illegal and impeachable act. Trump accused Obama, with zero evidence to support his allegation, of illegally wiretapping his offices at Trump Towers in New York City.
Article 1, section 9 of the US Constitution-The Emoluments Clause
Forbids government officials from taking things of value from a foreign government. This is known as the “emoluments clause” and on day one of his presidency, Trump was in violation. Because of his considerable business holdings that include Trump International Hotels, the president is gaining significant income. It has been widely reported that foreign delegations have changed their accommodations to stay at Trump-branded hotels. In addition, recent decisions by the Chinese government to grant trademark and licensing permits to Trump brands have a direct correlation to decisions and policies made by Trump towards China.
The First Amendment of the US Constitution-The Establishment Clause
This amendment bars any law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Trump’s ban on travel to the United States from six Muslim countries violates this provision.
The First Amendment of the US Constitution -Abridging the “freedom of the press”
The first amendment also provides protection of the press as a tenet of US democracy. However, President Trump has labeled the press as “The enemy of the people” and bars media outlets from news conferences unless they give him favorable coverage, thus violating the first amendment.
Article 3 Section 3 of the US Constitution- ‘Treason’ and ‘High crimes and Misdemeanors’
This provision defines treason against the United States as “Adhering to their enemies giving them aid and comfort.” The investigation into what role the Russian government played in the 2016 election is uncovering disturbing evidence of collusion. This week, a special counsel was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in part because of the “unique circumstances of this matter.”
Despite all of these grounds for impeachment, it is up to the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump. It is a move that is highly unlikely until the 2018 midterm election, which has the potential to flip every seat in the House.