Faye Shaw wrote The Favor Factor to challenge readers to look beyond life’s circumstances to see the favor in every situation. She opened up to rolling out about why she wrote this book.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, in a very loving and Christian family environment. I’m married to this wonderful guy who God designed just for me and I’ve been blessed with two beautiful daughters and two sweet granddaughters who keep me on my toes at all times. To summarize who I really am, I’m real and transparent. In life, like everyone, I too have experienced real issues and challenges in life. Through every aspect of my life, I have tried to convey to those I come in contact with that they’re not in this thing called life by themselves and that God brought me out, and he will do the same for them too.
Share how you got your start in ministry.
I began in ministry at the age of 3 while singing by standing on a piano stool. As I grew older, I realized that God had indeed given me the gift of music and I became a praise and worship leader. After years of leading the people of God into worship, God had an additional assignment for me. Since hearing God’s voice and obeying his call to preach the Gospel, I was licensed in 2007 and ordained to the office of a minister in 2009. I currently serve as the Executive Pastor of Grace Community Christian Church in Kennesaw, Georgia.
What sparked the birth of The Favor Factor?
The Favor Factor was birthed after ministering at a conference. A lady that attended the conference walked up to me and shared with me that God told her to tell me that the very things I just ministered about should be penned. She went on to say that the book would be shared with people all over the world. I have to admit I was shocked and was very nervous about the idea of writing a book. This was something I had never done before. I prayed about it and God said it was time to share my story. As I obeyed His voice, He gave me the words and I would just jot them down no matter where I was or what I was doing at the moment. That’s how The Favor Factor was birthed.
What sets you apart from other writers?
I think one of the things that sets me apart as an author is that I write in a way that’s simple and to the point. While I know that there are many authors that write about the favor of God, no one can tell my story and I believe that God has given me a unique approach on how to share it with practical applications. These practices are just best practices, but a proven way of life for me.
How do you balance being in ministry and being a writer?
There are challenging moments, but I definitely place being in ministry as the priority. God is so strategic that He always makes it work out where I can do both and they don’t interfere or conflict with each other. God really does the balancing act for me.
Was writing the book an easy task? If not, what challenges did you face?
No, it wasn’t an easy task, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. It took longer than I expected to complete it, but I also learned that my timing isn’t always God’s timing. Some of the challenges I faced were with my health and then I had a lot of ministry obligations, but through it all, God did it!
What do you want your readers to glean from your book?
My hope is that once you’ve read this book, you walk away ready to face life and the challenges it may bring knowing that with the unmerited favor of God operating on your side, you’re unstoppable. There is nothing He can’t bring you up and out of. Nothing.
Are all the devotions from your book based on something that you personally went through?
They absolutely are. I will say this; during the moments in my life that I was experiencing tragedy, turmoil, and tough times, I had no idea it was a setup for this season in my life. As I began writing, I could see the hand of God at work during all those times and it was absolutely necessary for me to go through so that I can be a living testimony to those today and to tell someone you can make it.
What’s on the horizon for Faye Shaw?
My desire is to be of service to anyone and everyone who simply desires to live a better life. I desire to continue sharing the Good News through The Favor Factor in seminars, workshops, conferences and wherever God wants to take me. I’m even looking forward to a new release called, The Favor Continues.
To find out more information about Faye Shaw, please visit all of the social media outlets at @iamfayeshaw and the website at www.iamfayeshaw.com, where you can purchase the book. The book is also available where all digital books are sold (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc).
Photos credit: Faye Shaw except where noted otherwise.