Kendrick Lamar had the perfect responses after getting dragged from one end of Twitter to the other for buying his sister a new Toyota Camry for his sister for graduation.
The Compton, California-based rapper was recently a guest on Power 106’s “The Cruz Show” and finally decided to explain his practical present for his sister.
According to Kendrick, he was laughing even as he was pummeled with negativity for having the audacity to use his own money to buy his teen sister a high-quality car as a graduation present.
It seems like his sister was thankful:
And Get this: His sister doesn’t even have a license.
“They had me dying,” said Kendrick. “Man, I was crying laughing. I don’t know what they expected a 16-year-old with no license to get — a Lamborghini?
He also added that the “cheap” gift can be a teachable moment.
“It also teaches her to appreciate the value of things,” added Kendrick. “Jumping in a fast car and possibly hurting herself or not appreciating where we come from.”
Check out the interview in full below: