Dr. Ben Carson’s home vandalized

Dr. Ben Carson's home vandalized
Photo: Twitter-@TheBenCarson

Donald Trump’s flunkie was recently the victim of home vandalization, or so he said. Ben Carson hopped on Facebook to defend Trump’s ridiculous defense of “very fine” White supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, a couple of weekends ago. And he used a personal experience to try to convey his personal philosophy.

Carson recalled a time when someone in his neighborhood flew a Confederate flag and later his home was vandalized with racist messages. According to Carson, the solution for racism is simple: just use kindness.

“Several years ago, we bought a farm in rural Maryland [and] one of the neighbors immediately put up a Confederate flag,” said Ben. “A friend of ours who is an African American three-star general was coming to visit and immediately turned around, concluding that he was in the wrong place. Interestingly, all the other neighbors immediately put up American flags — shaming the other neighbor, who took down the Confederate flag.”

“More recently, our home in Virginia — along with that of a neighbor — was vandalized by people who also wrote hateful rhetoric about President Trump,” Carson continued. “We were out of town, but other kind, embarrassed neighbors cleaned up most of the mess before we returned.

“In both instances, less than kind behavior was met by people taking the high road. We could all learn from these examples. Hatred and bigotry unfortunately still exists in our country and we must all continue to fight it, but let’s use the right tools. By the way, that neighbor who put up the Confederate flag subsequently became friendly. That is the likely outcome if we just learn to be neighborly and to get to know each other.”

So, let’s get this straight. Carson wants us to be kind and neighborly with White supremacists who hate the very air that we breathe and despise us because of the skin that we were covered in.

Yeah, OK, Ben. We got it.

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