I’m so over this Kevin Hart infidelity topic. So úber successful men with a lot of options cheat on their wives, even if they are pregnant. So what? We’ve seen this play out in the media year after year, time after time from Kobe Bryant to former President Bill Clinton to Tiger Woods, blah blah blah. The only thing significant about Hart’s situation is the fact that his wife was super pregnant at the time, but still it’s not that big of a deal. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a whole child on his wife with their maid, so really Hart’s indiscretion isn’t that juicy. I mean he is a cheater but he is no Arnold Schwarzenegger. His sex tape wouldn’t even garner interest if it was put online, it’s pretty boring all things considered. The most interesting thing about this scandal is the fact that Hart’s new wife recently justified cheating with him before his marriage was over because the marriage was “broken.” She also insinuated Hart’s ex-wife Torrei did something wrong to deserve his wandering eye. Of course, now we’re wondering if their marriage is in the same irretrievable stage the first one was in, or has Eniko granted Kevin a cheating pass?
What is sad, in my opinion, is the way that women insist on turning on each other and rating themselves against the ex-wife or girlfriend, assuming that what they have is so much different than what the original woman brought to the table. Ladies, please take notes. Kevin Hart’s younger, more exotic, new wife just last month used social media to defend her actions of being in a relationship with him before his divorce was final. It actually appears Eniko and Kevin hooked up before the divorce was even drafted, but again that’s not the issue. The issue, ladies, is that regardless of how you meet your man, please don’t assume that the women in his past were any less fabulous than you are. If they were less fabulous, please don’t assume that is the reason that he is cheating with you or even leaving to be with you because if you do, you will undoubtedly have to eat crow much like Eniko Hart is eating it right now.
I am not suggesting that all men cheat. But I am suggesting that the ones who do, do the act without prejudice. Women have to stop assuming that another woman did something wrong which caused the man to cheat. We have to stop making each other responsible for men’s actions. Stop looking at another woman’s looks, actions or upbringing as an excuse for why you feel it’s OK to lay down with her man. If you choose to do that, do it on your own accord and take responsibility for your actions. No “other woman” is responsible for driving a man to cheat. It isn’t her looks, or lack thereof, it isn’t her inability to clean or cook for him or to understand his issues. Men cheat because it’s in their nature or most likely because they want to. It would be in our best interest as women to focus on ourselves rather than pointing the finger at his past because as the old saying goes, you usually lose them exactly how you got them.