As America is divided over NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, a Miami Dolphins coach has been caught on tape snorting what appears to be cocaine.
Chris Foerster, an offensive coordinator for the Dolphins, was put on blast over the weekend when a woman identified as Kijuana Nige uploaded the video to Facebook. Nige claims to have dated Foerster in the past and added the following now deleted comments:
“I really don’t do this often but…since its NFL Sunday lets talk about these coaches folks. Introducing Chris Foerster Miami Dolphins offensive line coach. Hey honey are you still high”
“The White people mad at me like I forced blow down this man’s nose and like I recorded it on that low. No those are his habits and he recorded himself and sent it to me professing his love. So quick to make excuses for him but will roast a minority player over an athem [sic], dog fights, weed, domestic issues etc…But Y’all keep saying ALL LIVES MATTER STFU!!!”
A spokesperson for the Dolphins told the Miami Herald, “We were just made aware of the video and will have no comment at this time.” An investigation was launched by the team and a decision about Foerster and his job could be made today.
The video can be seen below: