For a brief period of time on Thursday, millions of President Donald Trump’s Twitter followers were confused. When they went to @realdonaldtrump on Twitter, to their shock, Trump’s account was deleted. Social media went wild with the thought that the world would no longer read the ranting tweets of Trump. However, no one knew why this blessed event happened until later that evening.
It turns out that a possibly disgruntled customer support worker on their last day of employment shut down Trump’s Twitter account.
Twitter Government posted the following message:
“Earlier today @realdonaldtrump’s account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee. The account was down for 11 minutes and has since been restored. We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.”- @twittergov [8:05 PM – 2 Nov 2017]
Then the bombshell followup post:
“Through our investigation, we have learned that this was done by a Twitter customer support employee who did this on the employee’s last day. We are conducting a full internal review.”-@twittergov [8:05 PM 10:00 pm- 2 Nov 2017]
No information has been given about the employee’s identity, or whether this was an act of revenge, a mistake or a political action. This morning, Trump tweeted:

“My Twitter account was taken down for 11 minutes by a rogue employee. I guess the word must finally be getting out and having an impact.” -@realdonaldtrump [6:51 AM – 3 Nov 2017]
Across Twitter, people are hailing this unknown individual a hero and some are saying that he or she should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. While it was the “employee’s last day,” no one knows if the person was fired or quit. If the action was deliberate, it will go down as the most epic “Take this job and shove it” moment in corporate American history.
Wherever you may be, former Twitter Customer Support employee, know that you are now loved by millions around the planet.