Tux and Chucks emcee on community fundraising and youth

Tux and Chucks emcee on community fundraising and youth
Photo by Treasure Smith for Steed Media Service

Tux and Chucks ended the year with another banging charitable fundraiser. Cool Smart Inc., the nonprofit organization responsible for making all this possible, believes in empowering the youth and uplifting the community.

“Cool Smart Inc. is who we are and Tux and Chucks is the event we have annually at the end of the year to celebrate our accomplishments and award other nonprofits as well as raise money for our own,” says co-founder Jason Appling who is partnered with Byron Suggs.

This year, the Cool Smart Inc. founders brought in Antoine Jackson, a community and nonprofit developer to be the master of ceremonies and deliver the community development purpose of Tux and Chucks to the city of Detroit.

Rolling out spoke with Jackson about the city of Detroit, his part in the development of the city and his participation in Tux and Chucks.

Who is Antoine Jackson?

I am a native Detroiter, nonprofit professional, author, entrepreneur, and so much more. I’ve been doing fundraising and youth development for the past 10 years here in Detroit. I love my city.

What books have you released?

I am the author of five books that have been released with the latest one being No More Later. This book is about not procrastinating anymore and actually getting out there and doing what you’re called to do.

What is your outlook on the Tux and Chucks event?

I think it’s a stellar event; I think it’s awesome with a great turnout. Sometimes we get a bad rep being so young and being millennials. I love to see young professionals empowering the community and this is a great way to put the fun back into fundraising. Tonight’s event is great. There [are] a lot of beautiful people out here tonight. Detroit truly is representing and I can’t wait for next year.

What can we expect from Antoine Jackson next?

You can expect a new book from me in 2018. It will also be the year of 33 because I’ll be 33 next year and you’ll probably see 33 things from Antoine. You’ll also definitely see me participating in more community organizations like Cool Smart Inc. I want to continue to do work in the community and raise funds for our youth in the city.

For more information on Antoine Jackson and his community leadership, visit www.antoinejackson.org and follow him on Instagram/Twitter Mr100wattlife and Facebook at Antoine Jackson.

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