Republicans’ love for NRA could cause Georgia to lose Delta, 30K jobs

Republicans' love for NRA could cause Georgia to lose Delta, 30K jobs

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle believes that standing up for the NRA is more important than jobs and the economy in Georgia. Lt. Cagle’s decision to blast Delta over their stance against the NRA could have a horrific affect for the state of Georgia.

Delta has a $50 billion impact on Georgia’s economy and provides over 30,000 jobs. But Cagle foolishly wants to go to war with Delta. “I will kill any tax legislation that benefits Delta less the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with the NRA. Corporations can not attach conservatives and expect us not to fight back,” he posted in a tweet.

Cagle’s statement was also unconstitutional as states, “The First Amendment requires heightened scrutiny whenever the government creates a regulation of speech because of disagreement with the message it conveys,” according to Sorrell v. IMS Health.

Following Cagle’s ridiculous statement, several states and cities have raised the idea of Delta moving from Atlanta. Mayor Randall Woodin of Birmingham tweeted, “Hey, Delta. You know, in mathematics, Delta represents the change in something.”

New York’s Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul tweeted, “As one of your most frequent flyers, know that the New York Lt. Gov. admires your principled stance. Let’s continue our great relationship. New York is open for business.”

For the sake of the residents in Georgia, it’s important for Cagle to be stopped before his  stupidity impacts thousands of lives.

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