Renew You, From Frazzled to Fabulous is a motivational, spiritually uplifting book written by breast cancer survivor Cie Cie Wilson McGhee.
McGhee, a promotions and marketing specialist, event producer and entrepreneur, wrote the book to help women find their “fabulous” and get back on their feet after facing hard times.
The book offers questions women should ask themselves about the status of their mental health. McGhee assures them that they are great and will continuously be great.
“I am not a licensed therapist or a counselor,” said McGhee. “I am just a woman like you created by God and still a work in progress.”
McGhee says she wrote the book to help women redefine their priorities in life. She discusses issues such as time management, goal-setting, “tapping into your inner woman” and dealing with emotions — all things that help keep women mentally stable in a world of negativity and disappointment.
In her book, McGhee describes how she overcame breast cancer in 2013. That was a tough time in her life but through all of the chemotherapy, radiation and hair loss, she says she still remained that same fabulous, strong, God-fearing woman she was before.
McGhee tells women they are worthy and will get through whatever they are going through just as she did. She urges them to take time for themselves by cutting off toxic people, avoiding unnecessary time-consuming tasks, and treating themselves well. To help with that, she includes journal sections in the book to help them document their progress.
“Pampering yourself is most important,” McGhee says. She reminds women to take time to do the little things that make them happy and reward themselves with small acts of leisure, whether that’s taking a walk in the park, scheduling a spa day, or even enjoying a bowl of ice cream.
McGhee encourages women to wake up every morning and speak positive affirmations over their lives that will uplift and renew their spirits and give them the confidence they seek to handle each day’s dilemmas.
They should also commit to change — and not be afraid of it. “If you commit to change, you will relax, release and renew yourself from frazzled to fabulous in no time,” she says.
McGhee said she wrote her book to give women some great tools to help them create their “fabulous life.” Some of those tools may work right now, and some won’t, she says. “Start with your mind and your body will follow. Commitment is the key to a balanced life, and a balanced life is a happy life,” she says.
Renew You, From Frazzled to Fabulous is available on Amazon.com.