Why your man isn’t excited about Valentine’s Day and how to change his mind

Why your man isn't excited about Valentine's Day and how to change his mind
Credit:Shutterstock.com/Sean Locke Photography

Valentine’s Day is known for setting the tone in a relationship and nine times out of ten, the expectations on both sides are very different. Stores are packed with roses, stuffed animals and candy, while jewelry stores are running television ads non-stop.  All this works to get women excited and unfortunately, often does the opposite for their partners.

Relationship expert Terry Deron and rolling out relationships editor Christal Jordan, decided to weigh in on the Valentine’s Day debate from both sides.

Terry Deron: Men view Valentine’s Day as a way to show affection towards the woman they’re romantically involved with, or the woman they have a romantic interest in. It seems like a lot of the confusion revolving around Valentine’s Day, is the fact that most women view the things men do and give women as tokens of love, and that is not always the case. In some situations a man has not reached the point that he has fallen in love. He just gets a gift because he knows the woman he’s involved with values it, expects it and is likely to result in sex.  Most men don’t really care about receiving gifts; they look at Valentine’s Day as a sexual holiday. So most men are perfectly fine with some sexy panties and a couple orgasms! Men do not associate gifts with love like lots of women do, so all a woman really has to do is stroke a man’s ego in a sexual way for him to be satisfied with Valentine’s Day.

Christal Jordan: Women are nurturers by nature which means they are usually looking for opportunities to show and receive love. Women enjoy receiving gifts, but not for the reason that men often think. Women see gifts as a symbol of how much her partner loves and thinks about her. Women enjoy opportunities to plan and be catered to, because as much as a couple may love one another, it’s not realistic to suggest doing something special every single day of the year.

Valentine’s Day allows a couple to go out of their way to make each other feel special, much like a person’s birthday, or even Christmas. I believe if men would get gifts based on their significant other’s personality, and not just the typical box of candy hearts and store bought cards, they would receive a much different response from their woman.

Terry Deron: My advice for women would be, appreciate everything you get. Don’t compare your gift to other women’s gifts. Also don’t assume just because you got a gift that it means your relationship is going to the next level.

Christal Jordan: Men should give their women hints about things they like. Many guys aren’t vocal about their preferences and then feel slighted when they don’t receive a gift in return. Communicate with your woman about what your expectations are.

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