City: East Point, Georgia
House of Worship: Impact Church
Religion: United Methodist
Social Media Handles: Facebook: Olu Brown, Instagram: @pastorolubrown
Pastor Olu Brown is a young, influential pastor who is determined to revitalize the church.
When did you know that God was calling you to be a messenger of the Gospel?
I was fortunate to know at a young age that God was calling me to be a minister, and although I didn’t fully embrace the idea at first, when I was a senior in high school, I accepted God’s path for my life. Throughout my life, I have been affirmed and assured by God and people that I am on the right path.
How important is it to have a personal relationship with God?
I believe it is extremely important to have a spiritual relationship with God, Christ or whatever one may call their Creator and God. Life is extremely difficult, and no one can do life in isolation without faith and trust in something greater than themselves. Our relationship with God gives us comfort in knowing we are not alone.

How do you incorporate technology into today’s church?
Technology is key in the life of the church, and churches that don’t embrace technology may be left behind. In my new book, 4D Church: Smash Barriers Like a Smart Church, there is an entire chapter dedicated to technology. I believe churches must invest in technology hardware and software to achieve the great commission in Matthew 28.
What impact does technology have on the Black church?
Technology has a major impact on the Black church because the way people communicate in the 21st century has evolved. Unfortunately, many churches have not kept up with the fast-moving pace of technology and are losing ground in reaching people for Jesus Christ.
Who is your biggest inspiration? Why
My biggest inspiration is Dr. Martin L. King Jr. His hope and dream of God’s creation being a beloved community still rings true today, and each moment I live my life attempting to help Dr. King’s dream become a reality.
What is the best way to learn how to meditate using Psalms?
The best way to learn how to meditate [using] Psalms is to break each of the 150 Psalms into a daily reading routine. I would not try to read an entire Psalm each day but a segment or single verse of a Psalm each day. As you read and commit the passage to memory, essentially you will be meditating on the Psalm.
What are three Scriptures that address health and healing?
Scripture 1: Luke 12:17-19 – Jesus healed 10 men who suffered from leprosy. They were told to go and show themselves to the priests and on the way, they were healed.
Scripture 2: Isaiah 53:5 – The prophet Isaiah tells us of the ultimate healing that will take place through Jesus Christ.
Scripture 3: John 11: 43-44 – Jesus commands Lazarus to come out of the tomb, and essentially revealed the capacity of his power.