When graduating from college, some students are fortunate to have a job in their field of study. Others are not as fortunate. Many college students take on internships related to their course of study during their matriculation. For some students, it may not occur to them that an internship post-graduation can be productive. As a result, they may miss out on opportunities to get a jumpstart in their field. Here are a few reasons why college students should apply for and accept internships immediately following graduation.
1. You begin to build your experience
The top reason for starting an internship is to build your experience in your field of study. This is your opportunity to learn what you may not have learned while you were in school, or practice what you already know while working with a company. An individual that is participating in an internship can perfect their craft before stepping into an official position.
2. A networking opportunity
Having an internship allows you to network with other individuals who are doing or working towards the same career path that you are. You will have the opportunity to meet new people through the company that you are working with, whether it is outside of the company or with your coworkers.
3. Possible permanent position
As an internship comes to an end, a permanent position within the company is probable. The permanent position is usually determined by the work ethic of that intern. If the intern is a quick learner and displays a hardworking and dedicated work ethic, it might move the company to keep that individual on a long-term basis.
4. Solidify recommendations
An intern’s work ethic can work to solidify recommendations from the employer for future positions with other companies. Based on how an individual performs at their internship, their employer can recommend them for other positions or serve as one of their recommendations when applying for other jobs.
5. Develops professional relationships
Being in an internship directly after college can build your professional relationships with other individuals that are in your field. Based on the type of relationship that an individual has built with others throughout their internship, it can give them direct contact with future positions.