The holidays are here, and we will soon close the door on 2019.
Not long after, tax season will be in full swing. Many Americans will gather their forms and receipts to prepare for this annual tradition. Others will procrastinate and not file at all. Many are shocked to learn that it’s legal to owe the IRS, but completely illegal not to file.
Recently, the federal government has become more aggressive with collection tactics for those who owe money. Garnishments, restrictions on travel and inability to qualify for a home loan are just a few potential hurdles facing those who owe back taxes.
Here’s the reality: Back taxes will never magically disappear, and they continue to accrue interest daily. There are currently 8.3 million Americans who owe back taxes. If you’re one of them, these tips may be just what you need.
Deaphalis Sample, CEO of Alliance Tax Solutions, is sharing with rolling out a few tips and services to help you get ready for tax season.
What is Alliance Tax Solutions?
Alliance Tax Solutions is a dedicated group of tax professionals highly experienced in solving Internal Revenue Service and state tax problems. Alliance has been in business for almost two years in Atlanta. February marks our two-year anniversary. Within that short time, we’ve experienced more than a 500 percent growth rate. That’s since 2018. We have a more than 98 percent success rate with resolving clients’ tax problems. We use proven strategies in our negotiations with the IRS to provide a pathway to peace by getting our clients back on track. Alliance uses a PSA framework — problem, solution and application. We customize each approach based upon the client’s needs and current financial situation.
What is the process, and how would an individual qualify for help?
We are the experts in our respective industry who can be trusted to give you accurate information so you can make an intelligent decision about how to resolve your tax issue. If you owe the IRS more than $5,000, we can help. Each case is unique, and we only want to work with people who want our help, hence our signature tagline in our commercial, “Be a man or a woman.”
Click continue to read more and for valuable tips to help you prepare for next tax season.