Describe your writing style and how you balance the heaviness of some of the content you have to work through.
Writing is therapeutic, and it is important for self-care. Even when you’re reading works that have a deep emotional impact, you have to step away and find other joy so that you can balance that. It’s easy to get into the dark of a situation.
Tell us about the publication process.
When I started my journey during a pandemic, I was supposed to have my book come out during this time. I looked for signs when I was writing. There were times that something in our society and current administration when I would write something and I would question myself. Then something would happen and I knew I needed to speak my truth. When Childish Gambino came out with his “This Is America,” I called my agent and I was like “The universe says we need to submit this to publishers right now.” And she’s like, “What are you talking about?” I said, “The universe is telling me people are ready.” And she was saying let’s go to another round of revisions and I’m like, “No, the time is now.” We submitted a month later and a couple of weeks later I already had a deal with a publisher.