Why Chrissy Teigen thought that Megan Thee Stallion’s gunshot wound could possibly be the subject of a joke is beyond the comprehension of most fans, and they dug into the swimsuit model with daggers.
The wife of singer John Legend was exercising the same dubious decision-making and exemplifying the kind of tone-deafness that TV writer Nell Scovell did with his tweet: “I have a Charles Manson joke that kills.”
Teigen, 34, must have known it was going was not going to be digested well by pop consumers because she added an apologetic-like caveat right afterward, according to E! News.
Teigen’s internal radar was on point because the blowback came almost immediately.
“This is f—-d up Chrissy, what happened to megan the stallion [sic] was very traumatic and right now we should only be wishing her support and love, especially when speaking on her name,” one Twitter user wrote.
“Since @chrissyteigen ‘loves’ Megan so much she could’ve hopped on her 13 million follower platform to say, Megan is recovering from a gunshot trauma, pls send her love and healing vibes. But instead she decided to make Megan the butt of a corny a– joke. And that speaks volumes,” wrote another.
This “joke” came after Megan, 25, tweeted about the severe trauma of being shot and later having guns pointed at her by Los Angeles police officers, which made Teigen’s joke all the worse.
Black women are so unprotected & we hold so many things in to protect the feelings of others w/o considering our own. It might be funny to y’all on the internet and just another messy topic for you to talk about but this is my real life and I’m real life hurt and traumatized.
— TINA SNOW (@theestallion) July 17, 2020
Tired of being showered with hate, Teigen lashed out at her critics.
“I’ll delete because you guys are sooooo f—ing annoying. Just unfollow me you absolute tools.”
After a brief spell to decompress, Teigen came back and expressed contrition for the bad timing — and the bad joke.
“I used the play on words joke with a celeb and something [they’re] known for with Meg and twerking and I should have known that it is just not the right time, especially for something so dumb and s—-y and pointless as the joke was,” Teigen wrote on her Twitter post, which she made private after fending off the swarm of stingers.
“Making anyone feel reminded of a terrible time or letting you guys down sucks more than anything to me so I am sorry to Megan and anyone who thought this was about the incident at all.”