The freedom to wear white

The other main surgical option — a hysterectomy — certainly ends the burden of fibroids, but leaves the woman without her uterus which can result in a whole set of new problems. Women may not be aware of these post-surgical issues that can come with having a hysterectomy. These problems include sexual dysfunction, depression and urinary incontinence. In addition, losing your uterus increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke and osteoporosis. So why does the cost of freedom have to be so high?

It doesn’t. Uterine fibroid embolization or UFE is a non-surgical, outpatient procedure that has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of women who suffered with uterine fibroids. Women can get relief from their fibroids, while avoiding major surgery. And, most importantly, women can keep their uterus.

Enter the white pants phenomena. Women around Atlanta are joining together to celebrate their freedom and to educate their sisters on UFE. “We do a lot of community education events where we invite women to come out to hear about fibroids and UFE. We often invite women who have had UFE and now have the freedom to wear white to come to the event and share their testimony. While I can talk about fibroids for hours, it is much more meaningful and impactful when one of our patients speaks who has lived through the suffering and embarrassment of heavy periods and pain and is now transformed and on the other side of it and has her life back.” Lipman explains.

Almost immediately, women started whispering that they wished they could wear white pants. When this whisper became a roar, it was hard to ignore the message. These women knew all too well that they couldn’t wear white; that they had to hide behind dark and bulky clothing. These women’s whispers started this movement. It really is a sisterhood. A sisterhood that is now being represented by the donning of white pants as a show of solidarity.

Other women’s groups followed. The White Dress Project, Care About Fibroids, and The Fibroid Foundation are just some of the groups that have joined in this effort. It is a rallying cry for those women who are demanding options and who are making empowered decisions to take back their lives. It is a victory celebration for those who no longer suffer. It is a beacon of hope for those still waiting for relief.

Learn about UFE. Empower yourself with knowledge. Put on your white pants and show the world that you are free. Tell your sisters that surgery isn’t their only option. If you are one of the millions of women in the US who, because of fibroids, cannot wear white pants, today is the day to start your journey to freedom.

For more information on uterine fibroids or the UFE procedure, please visit

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