In terms of self-care, what are three things women can do to preserve themselves for a healthy future?
Genuinely support other women in their efforts to achieve their dreams. It may not seem like self-care, but uplifting others is a great way to feel whole. I walk three to five miles every day. I also ensure I stay active. I can play nearly all sports. It’s essential to my health and wellness. Lastly, listen to the bible app and read daily. One other thing I do is I have a weekly gratitude journal that reminds me of all the things I am thankful for. During these changing times, that’s essential for my mental health.
What are two responsibilities that you have when it comes to being true to who you are?
I am always honest, but polite. People appreciate that a lot especially in the role I have. Secondly, I believe my background and Christian beliefs are essential, so I always speak up for what is right and fair, no matter who the audience is.