According to Blackdoctor.org, 70 percent to 90 percent of caffeine consumption is tied to coffee drinkers, but there are a plethora of other ways to get your daily dose. Among them are tea, soft drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, etc.), chocolate, nuts, energy drinks and medications.
As a natural stimulant, coffee impacts the central nervous system, which causes temporary changes in brain function that alters perception, mood, consciousness and behavior.
Below are five health benefits caffeine can and will provide if consumed in moderation.
Erectile dysfunction
Coffee is good to keep the yang up!
All men can potentially suffer from ED, but Black men, for whatever reason, are particularly prone to its ill effects. Good thing for caffeine, as studies show that 85 mg to 170 mg of caffeine consumption per day finds men 42 percent less likely to experience ED in comparison to those who drank less or none.
Promotes hair growth
Caffeine targets a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which stimulates hair growth from the root. DHT actually causes hair loss and caffeine is known to block its effects.
Improves athletic performance
When it comes to looking and performing your best, caffeine is known to boost weight loss and also promote a heightened sense of awareness. Studies show that caffeine, particularly for cyclists, can improve speed and power by adding as little as 5 mg per kilogram to one’s diet.
Fights heart disease
It is no secret that heart disease disproportionately affects Black men. In fact, studies show that Black men have a 70 percent higher risk of developing heart disease than their White counterparts. Fortunately, coffee, which is the most consumed caffeine product on market, is also rich in antioxidants. These properties are said to help protect cells from damage. In turn, more coffee consumption results in a lower risk of mortality, specifically heart disease-related deaths.
Guards against Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and the fourth among elderly African Americans. Studies find that drinking two to three 8-ounce cups of coffee each day over a 10-year span decreased symptoms associated with dementia, compared to those who drank less. In fact, 200 mg per day is said to boost long-term memory.