DaniLeigh, the latest former girlfriend of rap superstar DaBaby, was being subjected to a new round of Twitter thrashing on March 1, 2021, after she claimed that she is not White and is, indeed, “39% West African.”
DaniLeigh, who was born Danielle Leigh Curiel, resurrected her rant on Twitter about being placed at the top of the “cancel culture’s” hit list for being an alleged racist and colorist. This comes several weeks after the 26-year-old Miami chanteuse previewed the controversial song, “Yellow Bone,” where she paid homage to “light-skin baddies.” She also insinuated in the song that DaBaby chose her because of that physical attribute.
When DaniLeigh resurrected her feud with critics regarding this touchy subject, fellow rapper Akbar V boldly inserted herself into the fray and began to scold DaniLeigh for her supposed desperation to be accepted as a Black woman.
“I want to tell you, baby you are not Black,” Akbar V charged in a tweet, adding, “no matter how many black wigs u let them put on you baby just be yourself d— and keep making vibe songs for us ….no matter how many black penis u f— u are not black ok thank u ms yellow world 💛
DaniLeigh retorted with an equal amount of venom, saying “Keep making music I’ll never hear,” and then added that she didn’t even know who Akbar V was.
While the two women volleyed insults back and forth for several rounds on Twitter, fans discovered that DaniLeigh, whose parents emigrated from the Dominican Republic, recently posted a tweet in defense of her Blackness argument.
I’m 39% west African ..
Those were wrong . Thanks— Danielle 🤍 (@DaniLeigh) February 24, 2021
Akbar V says DaniLeigh owes Black folks an apology for her “Yellow Bone” song and for her defiant, “nonchalant” stance after Twitter came after her for it.
“I want u to stop color shaming,” Akbar began, ” ’cause I really wasn’t being funny u started the sing then started with I don’#t give a f— attitude we are really Black my Black women go threw enough for u to make fun of it,” Akbar said.
“I never intended to make fun of anyone,” DaniLeigh said in response. “As artist people will take ur words and interpret them how they want … I now know … Yellow Bone is what he want … Wasn’t the right thing to say … But I wasn’t saying it to shame someone … especially they color.”
Exasperated at being labeled “a White girl,” a fired-up DaniLeigh spat out that she is from the DR “with a whole bunch of s— in me,” she said, adding her parents “are light skin.”
Finally, she told Akbar and other critics: “Just leave it alone bro I ain’t no f—ing white girl.”
Twitter seems to be looking sideways at DaniLeigh because of her repeated attempts to convince folks she is a woman of color. Click to the next page to view more of Akbar V invectives toward DaniLeigh as well as fans’ responses.