When Black people vibrate higher, we can save the world

This is why it is so important Black people check their own energy, and that we seek peace and harmony in our daily routines. It is important we nurture positive, kind and inspirational thoughts, words and feelings; because these create the energy fields around us and affect others.

In the emotional frequency chart developed by Abraham Hicks, every feeling is charted and assigned a frequency. Low or negative emotions disturb the body at its atomical level because of its low vibrational frequency. Low vibration feelings include anger, jealousy, sadness, resentment and guilt. Over time, these feelings cause imbalances and diseases because low vibration changes the way the body functions at a hormonal and immunological level.

So, if you ever discover that you are vibrating at a low level, think about incorporating the following:

1. Print a copy of the emotional guidance scale, and learn how to stay on team “high-frequency vibes.”
2. Meditate.
3. Keep a daily gratitude journal.
4. Learn about and use essential oils and incense to lift moods. Drink herbal tea.
5. Do something you enjoy, especially if you enjoy nature and water.
6. Create an environment for yourself and your loved ones that is filled with positive messages, inspiration, kindness and love. Heal past wounds and trauma.
7. Feed your body healthy organic food. Fresh living food has a frequency.
8. Listen to music that makes you feel good.
9. Explore vibrational therapy try Reiki, a sound bath or crystal healing.
10. Volunteer and help others.

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