Akon continues to make global moves and will be building a second futuristic city in Uganda. The singer is already building a town in his home nation of Senegal, which will operate on his cryptocurrency and cost about $6B to construct. Akon’s Ugandan city will also operate off his cryptocurrency as well.
The Ugandan government announced on Monday, April 6, that it allotted the “I Wanna Love You” singer one square mile of land for him to begin planning an Akon City in the country. It will mirror the one currently under construction although a price for the construction hasn’t been revealed.
The city in Senegal currently being built will include a Hamptons Hospital campus, parks, stadiums, police department, and a waste management system. Construction of the city in Senegal begins this year and is expected to be completed in the next three years according to Complex.
“I know if I put it there, they’re going to find a way to afford it because it’s going to motivate them,” Akon said when asked about the price tag of the project to NBS Uganda. “But ultimately when you create an opportunity, people grow with that opportunity, people learn with that opportunity, people are motivated with that opportunity.”
The state-of-the-art project is expected to be completed by 2036. Akon also stated that the city is a chance for the world to see Africa’s greatness and inspire people on the continent of how much power they really have and look at themselves on a higher plane.
“This is the problem right here. What makes us here (hand raised low). Why aren’t we here (hand raised high). You do know that we’re the reason why the people up here are here. So, it’s the mindstate and I think the mentality of us as a people, we already believe that we’re not worth what we’re worth. I know for sure we’re worth way more than what people look at us to be because their idea and their goal is to keep us to think that we’re nothing so they can continue to be something,” expressed the Konvict Muzik boss at the press conference.
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