Joey Womack focuses on supporting development of entrepreneurs

Describe your networking style.

Pay it forward. Genuinely determine how to help the other person with no expectation of it coming back to you while simultaneously looking for common connection points . Simply ask them “how can I help?”

Name your two favorite vacation destinations to relax and recharge.

Vacation? What’s that?!

What are you reading now?

4th And Goal Every Day: Alabama’s Relentless Pursuit of Perfection by Phil Savage and Just A Neighbor: A Child’s Memoir of the Civil Rights Movement by Valda Harris Montgomery.

What two favorite quotes motivate you?

“No excuses are acceptable. No amount of effort is adequate until proven effective,” by Dr. Sybil Mobley; and “If you can’t be first, then be ahead of whomever is second,” by [the] Rev. Moses General Miles.

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