6 clear signs the person you’re dating is worth your time

6 clear signs the person you're dating is worth your time
Photo credit: Shutterstock.com / Dragana Gordic

We all know about the red flags to look out for and try to avoid when dating but the green flags are just as important. These are the signs that tell you, “OK, this person seems like a really good potential mate and I want to get to know them better.” Aside from the feeling of being smitten with a new crush, it’s an awesome feeling when you realize your new fling might actually be sustainable too. Here are some green flags to look for when dating.

They honor your boundaries

The person you’re dating should never make you feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do or violate boundaries that you specifically highlighted. Whether that be surrounding personal space or the way you want to be talked to, someone who honors your boundaries is a sign that they would be a worthy partner.

They keep their word

Doing what they say they’re going to do is a sign of integrity and dependability, which are two qualities needed from a long-term partner. If they tell you they are going to do something and actually follow through, that is a major green flag.

You feel like you can be your true self

Not feeling the need to impress your potential mate is extremely important so that they can get to know the real you. If you feel comfortable enough to let your guard down and be yourself, that is a great sign that your budding relationship is heading in the right direction.

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