Build an email list
Building an email list is a surefire way to strengthen relationships you have with existing customers and attract new loyal ones. If every single social media platform was magically wiped from the internet, you would still have access to all your customer’s information. This means that you can send any promotional information or product launches straight to your customer’s inboxes. Memberful, Mailchimp, Drip and ConvertKit are great tools for email marketing.
Implement text marketing
Text marketing is a way for you to reach customers immediately whether they are online or not. With a read rate of 97% within 15 minutes of delivery, you’ll know that whatever message you need to communicate with your audience will be read almost instantly. When combined with email and any other tools in your marketing mix, your customers will never miss a beat and stay updated with what is going on with your business. Textedly, TextMagic, ClickSend and SimpleTexting are all great platforms for keeping your customers informed.