Steve Canal is co-founder of Flourysh, ONE Venture Group, Saint Miles and The Baptist Collection. Canal makes it a priority to build trust with companies through his creation of unique experiences that go beyond expectation. His debut book, The Mind of a Winner, shot to the top of the bestseller’s list on Amazon’s motivational and personal transformation categories. Canal is also a brand architect and a judge on the Famous Amos Ingredients for Success panel. He recently sat down with rolling out to discuss the importance of being thorough in business dealings, among other things.
If you had to deliver your business concept what would be the elements of your elevator pitch?
It’s very simple and something you shouldn’t overthink: Who (the business name), what (problem you are trying to solve), when (is it available now or coming soon?), where (will your product or service be available for consumption?) and how (strategy/execution). People love a great storyteller so answer these questions and deliver it in story form.
What are funders looking for in pitches and business plans?
Funders are looking for holes in your pitch. They want to know if you’ve gone through the proper due diligence to fully grasp and understand your business. Have you spent thousands of hours doing research, making the right personal and business connections? Are you understanding the numbers and the future of the business? Because if I plan on giving you some of my hard-earned capital, I need to make sure I truly believe in the person, and their intent and passion to scale this business. Both your pitch and business plan should reflect that. You need to eat, sleep, and breathe the business and love doing it through the ups and downs of each cycle.
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