Alicia Lauchner shares the inspiration for writing ‘I Love My Me’

Alicia Lauchner shares the inspiration for writing 'I Love My Me'
Alicia Lauchner, autho of I Love My Me [In God’s Image Photography /Makeup Artistry]
According to Alicia Lauchner, she does not live an average life. Once you get to know this fun and vibrant mom of three children, you will have to agree. From being a wife, to encouraging and motivating others, it is evident through her preaching and teaching ministry that she lives to inspire others.

Lauchner, a native of Brooklyn, New York, who currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina, found the time between family and ministry to become a children’s book author. Her inspiration for writing children’s books stems from the “always entertaining” honor of being grandma to the one and only Amiyah D’or.

The inspiration to write I Love My Me came from little Amiyah’s 4-month journey and fight for her life in the NICU in 2016. Lauchner states that Amiyah’s fight became the victory and fuel for Alicia’s new writing adventure. I Love My Me is just the beginning.

Continue reading the rest of Alicia Launchner’s story about her new children’s book I Love My Me.

What inspired you to write I Love My Me?
This was a “God-idea” and my granddaughter Amiyah is my main inspiration. I Love My Me is the first of the Amiyah D’or Presents series.

What is the story behind the title?
Amiyah was born an extreme preemie [4 months early at only 1 pound, 3 ounces]. She not only entered the world having to fight for her life, but also facing the strong possibility of having a lifetime of challenges; inwardly and outwardly. I Love My Me not only encourages our little ones to love themselves, but to love and appreciate every permanent, unchangeable thing about themselves. It is a personal declaration: “I love my me!”

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