7 New Year’s resolutions for introverts

The Remix for 2022
7 New Year's resolutions for introverts
Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

We live in a society that values and rewards the most extroverted behaviors – the loudest, most talkative, most outwardly expressive. Yet, half of us do not exude those characteristics. According to the personality inventory experts, recent research shows that 57 percent of the world prefers introversion, which is the complete opposite of extroversion.

Introverts typically prefer a less stimulating environment, and more solitude when it’s time to recharge. They are highly analytical and observant, great listeners and thinkers who make decisions with empathy, thoughtfulness, and reflection. Introverts are usually the calmer, laid-back souls who think before speaking, and look before leaping.

For our introverted brothers and sisters, consider these tips for your New Year’s Resolutions!

Communicate silently.

Silence speaks volumes. Not everything needs to be said. Not everything warrants a response – especially foolishness.  Sometimes saying nothing is saying it all.

Listen. Fine-tune your acute listening skills.

Continue to do what you do best … hear what others cannot.

You have an innate ability to assess not only the information given, but also social cues, body language, what’s said and what’s not said. Lead with clarity by helping others hear and see through all the noise.

Stay curious.

Use your inquisitive nature to dig deep, analyze and think through what others may not have the capacity to. You do it best, so lean into that, ask questions and let your curiosity be the guide.

You’re great at giving advice. Save some for yourself.

As an amazing listener, observer, and thinker, you often have the answers for others who seek your counsel. Listen to yourself, follow your gut, and make it happen for you. You’re destined for greatness and however you define that, so go get it.

Remember that the word “no” is a complete sentence.

Your “no” doesn’t need any additional explanation.

Make yourself a priority.

Don’t get caught up in helping someone else achieve their dream, especially if it means ignoring yours.

Celebrate World Introvert Day (Jan. 2), by doing absolutely nothing.

Honor yourself. Give yourself the space, solitude, and vibe you need to recharge and regroup.

For those who have a preference for introversion, know your strengths and understand your value. Continue to make moves in your own low-key way.  Your ability as an introvert to see beyond what’s on the surface, is your superpower.

Happy New Year to introverts and all!

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