With Martin Luther King Jr. Day approaching, it is important to celebrate his life and legacy. King used nonviolent protest to achieve equal rights for Black people, and through that, won awards such as the Nobel Peace Prize. His leadership also opened the door for better opportunities for education and employment for Black people.
Throughout King’s life, he formed some of the most iconic speeches and quotes of the 20th century that touched on the problems going on in the world around that time, and some of those same problems are still occurring to this day. His speeches and quotes are still being used, and it is important to highlight them throughout this month.
A famous quote from King that is still popular to this day is: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” The quote was in his book Strength to Love, which was published in 1963.
In this quote, King is saying that everything is fine when things are going well, but you’re really judged as a person when going through adversity.
In life, we all have the answers when they’re right in our face. But what do we do when we have to find the answers ourselves? Will we bow down, or will we fight to get what we want?
As individuals, we all go through things in life. The question is, how will you respond?