NYC bishop makes an unholy move on trespasser during live sermon (video)

The flashy bishop is back making headlines for the wrong reason
NYC bishop makes an unholy move on trespasser during live sermon (video)
Image source: YouTube – Dropping Tea

Bishop Lamor Whitehead is back in the news, and once again it’s not because of the sermons that he’s preaching.

In July 2022, the Brooklyn bishop was robbed of more than $1 million in jewelry during a church service that was live-streaming and was later accused of stealing $90,000 from a congregant in a lawsuit that was filed last year.

Bishop Whitehead allegedly has a history of grifting and has served time in prison for identity theft and grand larceny.

On Sept. 18, things got physical at Whitehead’s church, as he ended up putting his hands on a woman during his live-streamed sermon.

YouTube video

While the bishop was preaching, there was someone in the background shouting. He stops his sermon to tell the woman “come on up here, I’m going to make you famous.”

The lady continues to shout in the background, and Whitehead then moves from the camera telling someone to “remove her out of here.” That’s when the woman started approaching Whitehead, and he repeatedly says “take the pictures.”

When the woman appeared on the screen, Whitehead grabbed her by the neck and shoved her out of the frame. The bishop continued with his sermon after the incident, and hours later went on Instagram to tell his side of the story and said he had been arrested and charged with assault, but was later released.

“They put me in cuffs and I told them I wasn’t getting in and they grabbed me and picked me up [and put me] in the car,” Whitehead said in the video. “All the little babies in my church saw me get arrested, the ones that look up to me.”

According to police, the woman who confronted Whitehead during the sermon was charged with trespassing and disrupting a religious service.

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