The month of October is all about breast cancer awareness. The month is dedicated to helping women get educated on what signs to look for and also to help raise funds for research. According to the American Cancer Society, more Black women die from breast cancer than any other cancer. In 2019, breast cancer became the leading cause of cancer death for Black women.
One way women can detect breast cancer early on is by doing self-exams. According to Heath Line, here are five major signs to look out for to detect a problem early on.
1. Pain
Although most women feel pain in their breasts before or during their menstrual cycle or pregnancy, this pain can be described as a burning and tender sensation.
2. Nipple Discharge
A discharge is probably the earliest sign and symptom of breast cancer. It can also be present at any stage of breast cancer and may appear to be a yellow or even bloody fluid.
3. Change in Size or Shape
This sign is harder to detect because it can be mistaken for hormonal fluctuations, but it is best to get mammograms often.
4. Dimpling
Dimpling is most common in inflammatory breast cancer. The dimpling effect is caused by blockage of lymph vessels in the skin.
5. Redness/ Flaky Skin
This condition can be described as a red, scaly rash on the nipple and surrounding area. It can be itchy and even looks like eczema, which it is usually mistaken for.
All in all, these signs are not a guarantee someone has breast cancer but should encourage women everywhere to be mindful of the signs. Identifying issues early can save a life.