I Am The Prize nonprofit organizer helps entrepreneurs secure capital

Manifesting Over Mimosas host Tia Coleman shares her love for helping entrepreneurs reach new heights
I Am The Prize nonprofit organizer helps entrepreneurs secure capital
Tia Coleman (Photo courtesy of Blue Franswa and Terrence Armand)

Most entrepreneurs are familiar with the challenges involved with finding and getting financing to start or expand a business. Having the right team and preparation in place for your business venture can save a lot of time and trouble in identifying the appropriate resources. Jacksonville, Florida, powerhouse and entrepreneur Tia Coleman took a look at the issues and launched a nonprofit organization to address the need and secure capital for first-time entrepreneurs

Coleman has partnered with the JAX Chamber of Commerce to host her third annual Manifesting Over Mimosas event for entrepreneurs to network with like-minded individuals. Attendees are given a chance to earn funding by showcasing their business ideas to investors. Entrepreneurs appreciate the initiative as a capacity crowd attends every year, and would-be business owners leave with resources to start their entrepreneurial journey.

When did you feel like you were truly walking in your purpose?

I have been a student of entrepreneurship and business my entire life. I come from a family of entrepreneurs. So I felt like it was just always written for me. And because I have reached so much success from women coming into my life and pouring into me and seeing something in me, I feel like that’s my mission to give back and pay it forward to help other women and young girls discover their superpowers and help them become successful.

How did your purpose grow into helping other entrepreneurs?

I realized I had a gift. I would bring these businesses I worked for so many innovative ideas and help them increase their revenue significantly. It was because of the value that I added that was confirmed for me. There’s a need for my skills and my expertise. And I ran away from it for a very long time. I realized I was genuinely blocking my calling, so I started helping businesses increase their revenue. I’m a visionary for them and like helping them bring their ideas to life.

Do you have any advice for someone ready to take that first step toward betting on themselves?

Don’t just network with people who are on your level — network with people who will inspire you and encourage you to get more. I love having mentors and friends, and peers that make me think. I don’t like being the most intelligent person in the room. So when it comes to betting on myself, it’s easy to bet on me because I have people around me who have more than me. So when you surround yourself with people like that, it makes it easier for you to set higher goals and to want to accomplish more.

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