Juice WRLD’s former girlfriend says he didn’t overdose (video)

His former significant other claimed fans don’t know the full story
Juice WRLD's former girlfriend says he didn't overdose (video)
Juice WRLD’s former girlfriend Ally Lotti. (Image source: Instagram – @allylotti)

Ally Lotti went on social media and claimed fans don’t have the full story of what happened to her former boyfriend, Juice WRLD. The artist died at 21 in December 2019, and the official cause of death given was an accidental overdose of codeine and oxycodone.

Lotti claims, in an explicit profanity-filled rant on Instagram live, that wasn’t the case.

“You guys think he died from a drug overdose, you’re wrong!” Lotti said. “You’re wrong, literally.”

Lotti’s rant was a response to Juice WRLD fans who have patronized Lotti for starting an OnlyFans account.

“There’s a lot of s— y’all don’t know that I grieve through,” Lotti said. “That’s why I let y’all grieve and talk mad s— about me. I don’t care. I’m going to go ahead and be what y’all want me to be, which is me. OK?”


Lotti also discussed her drug usage, and used the n-word multiple time, during the course of the live.

“Guess what? Out of everyone, I get to do drugs,” Lotti said. “I get to do drugs more than anyone of y’all because guess what? I went through the most s— and still stood here … Jarad [Juice WRLD] would be proud of me … y’all don’t know that n—-. You know me, so that’s how y’all think y’all know that n—-, and you don’t know s— about me.”


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