When you get called for jury duty, there’s no running away from it. One particular juror in the Young Thug trial decided to take a trip to the Dominican Republic instead of showing up for jury duty.
Instead of making her pay a $1K fine or serve 20 days in jail, Fulton County Judge Ural Glanville proposed a 30-page paper as punishment for her absence.
“You have to do APA style, you’re going to have to use at least 10 primary sources and 10 secondary sources,” Judge Glanville said.
The essay has to include the history of jury duty and who couldn’t serve on a jury in the past, as the judge noted that hisorically, people of color couldn’t serve on juries.
The judge also said that essay would be run through a plagiarism checker. “You’ve got to write it yourself, and then you’re going to come back and talk to me about it,” Judge Glanville said.
Thug’s trial is expected to last six to nine months, and more than 600 potential jurors have been summoned. Jury selection is expected to last at least two weeks, and some jurors have already been dismissed for hardships or other reasons.