When it comes to hookup culture, the term “getting flown out” has become popular thanks to the City Girls. Their song “Flewed Out” featuring Lil Baby shares the thoughts of some young men and women today when it comes to dating. Recently, a video went viral of a man complaining about flying out an Instagram model and spending $5K on her, but her not wanting to be touched sexually, which made him angry.
🫣 she finessed him for 5k .. “ she didn’t want to be touched 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #TrendingNow pic.twitter.com/fXgFx8lUdb
— “Mauricio “ (@ballupAIP23) January 18, 2023
Millennials shared their thoughts on what should be expected when it comes to being flown out.
You should discuss arrangements beforehand
“I feel it’s 2023. We live in a world now where everyone is only a couple of clicks away. Airplanes are a part of modern-day romance. We spend a lot of time in front of screens and on the internet, [so] meeting people digitally happens. Although [expecting someone to have sex] is an incel mindset. I feel if you want sex as a man, you should discuss that before purchasing anything to get that.” Ty, 28
Know what that person is looking for in return
“I feel as though if a man wants to do that and the woman is comfortable, that’s her business. [No one should expect sex], not initially. If you’re not interested and you’re using that person for money and food, then yes because you know that’s what the other person is looking for in return.” Bianca, 30
No woman should be obligated to have sex
“I think that it always leads to problems, especially if there isn’t communication regarding why you’re making that gesture. With these videos trending, it’s always the man getting angry with the woman because she didn’t have sex with him. If there was better communication of what the intentions are, we wouldn’t have these problems. No woman should be obligated to have sex with any man, and the other way around.” Robert, 29
It is wrong to abuse a man’s kindness
“I feel as if there’s no problem being flown out, but know what to expect and how you would handle the situation. Some guys’ egos are bigger than others so to have a stranger fly you out, you have to stay prepared. No woman should ever feel obligated to give her body to a man. I feel as if it is wrong for a woman to abuse a man’s kindness but never should a woman feel the need to have sex if she does not want to.” Mileena, 25