Cherice Williams is a Jamaican immigrant and the founder of the hair care brand Blaq Luxury Hair. The company is offers a wide variety of products such as its Mega Gro Hair Serum, Hair & Scalp Gro Balm, Hair & Scalp Detox Bar, and more. After a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome years ago, she experienced some hair issues which inspired her to create a way to boost growth.
A waitress at the time, she saved up just enough money to advertise her homemade products on The Shade Room blog. Williams’ return on her investment helped her quickly build a multimillion-dollar business.
Williams shared some tips on the proper way to care for natural hair.
How did you get started in the hair industry?
I migrated to the U.S. in 2016 and Blaq Luxury Hair products evolved from my pure determination of finding a health solution for my hair. In 2018, I was diagnosed with PCOS which is a hormonal disorder that does hurt the quality of your hair. I took the initiative to do my research and that’s when my best-selling product today, the Mega Gro Hair Serum, was created in my kitchen. After that, I was in a natural hair group on Facebook where we shared tips and ideas on how to care for our hair, and a lot of women in the group were having the same issues that I was having as well. So, I posted a few of my before and after pictures and that’s when they started reaching out wanting to know what I used. At that point, I didn’t even imagine it becoming a business but they were willing to pay for the products. So, that’s where my first sale came from and that’s when I realized there could be a market for Blaq Luxury Hair products.
What went into the process of selecting which ingredients to use in your products?
Being Jamaican, I did incorporate some of my roots into the product. One of our primary ingredients was Jamaican black castor oil and that ingredient is great for invigorating the hair follicles. So, that’s what helped push the hair product because it’s naturally based, it’s organic, and the product features over 20 amazing essential oils and nutrients.
Can you share 5 to 7 hair tips women can incorporate into their daily routines?
Yes, eat a healthy and balanced diet most importantly. Take your vitamins that are infused with biotin like the gummies we are coming out with. Limit heat on your hair to reduce breakage. Wear protective styles like braids and even wigs. Based on how you [do the] install, it is [a] pretty good [option] because you free your hair of manipulation for a week or two. I also recommend using shampoos and conditioners that are free of sulfate and to also wear a satin cap.