Rolling out, in partnership with U.S. Bank, hosted The Paperwork Project at the DuSable Museum in Chicago. The event centered on the need for financial literacy in the Black community when it comes to starting new businesses and financing existing businesses. Micae Brown of U.S. Bank hosted panels that included, The Building a Relationship panel featuring Josh Meyers and Mary Mieklthun. The speakers focused on how and when clients should build relationships with banking establishments and the best ways for a small business to become bankable.
Kim and Tim Lewis of CurlMix shared their experience with regard to how they have been able to scale up their business for newfound success over the past few years.
(Full video of the panel, including Q-and-A)
“The title was incredibly accurate. We talked about paperwork and paperwork is so important to your business because you really can’t get anywhere without it. A lot of us like to focus on the image, messaging, content, marketing and the fun stuff, but the business on paper is all that really matters,” said Kim Lewis of CurlMix about her experience at The Paperwork Project.
Along with The Paperwork Project panels, rolling out’s Business Boulevard featured Black-owned businesses for participants to visit and patronize as part of the experience.
The Paperwork Project provided a space for the community to come out and hear about important products that US Bank will offer soon. The initiative is designed to support those who may not have all of the required information and criteria needed when looking for funding. Free professional head shots were also provided to those who attended.
“My biggest takeaway was to build a relationship with your banker, they are accessible and do want to help small business,” said Dr. Regina Spellers-Sims.
Take a look at a few photos from the event below.