3 women discuss plastic surgery during BET Awards weekend

They each gave their opinion on whether women should get cosmetic surgery or stay natural

Recently celebrities have been actively sharing their journeys of cosmetic surgery and confirming which procedures they are getting done.

During the 2023 BET Awards weekend, rolling out asked two music artists and a fashion stylist their personal opinions on the topic at the Women’s Lounge event in L.A.’s Afro City.

What is your opinion on women getting cosmetic surgery versus getting their implants or fillers taken out?

Do your research 

“I don’t have an issue with it. I think it’s completely understandable because some people are insecure about their bodies and some people are just getting them because they want to look good. I don’t have an issue with it, because it looks good on a lot of people. I think it’s no problem, but you have to be safe with it. You have to do your research before you get it and you can’t just get it because everybody else is getting it. You have to understand what you’re getting into.” Noa, @noas.voice

Embrace your natural body

“I think that we’re all made perfectly the way that we’re supposed to be made. Society puts all these pressures on us to look a certain way and particularly for women to look the most appealing to a man, which seems kind of backward to me.

We should be embracing who we are and how we were born, but then at the same time, it’s like modern-day society and media puts so much pressure on us to be perfect. The people who idolize the media have this fake facade of being perfect when the reality is, they’ve probably undergone a lot of surgery to get that perfect, natural look.

I would say just embrace who you are, and be your best self. [That means] eating right, exercising, taking care of your skin, making sure that your hair is healthy, and just how to make your natural state the best that it can possibly be. Vitamins, minerals, and natural oils can do way more than what we think some of these chemical solutions do.” NyLaurent, @nylaurent

Do what feels best

“I’m just a big advocate of doing what feels best for you and doing it the safest way, especially when it comes to women’s bodies. If it’s something that you want to do for yourself and you have done everything that you need to do to make sure the doctor is efficient, then do what makes you happy. There are things that you want to do at one point in the seasons we go through and there are times when you change your mind and that’s okay too.

It’s doing your due diligence and making sure you’re doing it for the right reasons … and what you feel comfortable doing and taking the safest route. At the end of the day, regardless of what you take away, I think everyone is beautiful in their own right, and I support anyone’s decision.” GAL, @giveartlife

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