Rolling Out

7 signs someone’s mental health is deteriorating

How to spot potential dangers
Photo credit: / Prostock-studio

You can help potentially save a loved one from an internal crisis with early detection. With most body ailments, you can get a feeling of something being out of the norm and letting someone else know about said ailments. With mental health, it can be difficult to always spot just by looking at a physical being, especially with a high-functioning person with depression.

Here are seven signs of someone with mental health that’s on the decline, according to medical professional Lee Yang.

Changes in behavior patterns or daily routines

Someone who goes to the gym each morning and only eats red meat once a week now rarely works out and eats red meat at least three times a week.

Decreased energy or motivation or lack of interest in things they usually enjoy

A friend loves golf, but they haven’t spoken or played golf in a long time lately. Even when offered to play, they now decline.

Changes in sleep patterns, like insomnia or oversleeping

Something may be wrong if a loved one typically sleeps each night at 9 p.m. but now stays up until 1 a.m. or 2 a.m.

Mood swings, anxiety, depression, or frequent crying spells

Emotions are a part of the human experience, but when the emotions are expressed in more extreme and rapid ways, it might be time to be concerned.

Reduced social interaction with friends and family

Extended periods of isolation can signal dissatisfaction with their current state.

Excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs or tobacco

Over-consumption of drugs could be viewed as a way to escape a sober state.

Thoughts of self-harm

There’s no better way to express you’re sinking than to say “I’m sinking” out loud.

35 Responses

    1. Contact Better Help online. It’s confidential and has helped someone I know. They match you with someone that will help you feel better about you. Good luck. 😊

      1. Yes i used that app. Its great and all but if you dont have the right insurance, it is very expensive. I was paying 221.00 a month.

    2. Contact Better Help. It’s online and has helped someone I know. They will help you feel better about you. Good Luck 😊

      1. Only thing about about Better Help is that they won’t accept Medicaid or Medicare because I went online to check them out because I was going to try and get some help but once I knew that they don’t accept Medicaid or Medicare I didn’t seek help from them I didn’t contact them you have to pay for their services they don’t accept medical insurance like Medicaid or Medicare etc …

        1. Yes. Exactly. Some of us cannot afford the services that would help us. Sad but true. I live with this everyday. You have to take what you can get and sometimes it just isn’t enough.

        2. I have heard from a reputable source that they offer complimentary sessions and I know that they offer discounts for those who meet the requirements– honor system is applied. Best of luck, get and feel better soon! I wish you all good things.

        3. So once again poor people get nothing! Medicaid sucks, right now I am waiting for Medicaid transport and it’s very very late so probaly lose another doctor, sitting here in pain manic heart pounding can’t get to doctor

        4. This is what I refer to as a money grab of good intentions! They might as well be a dental hygienist or work for discount tires as far as I’m concerned!

      1. I raped at the age of 13 I locked it into my head and hoped it would go away. I never said anything to anybody!! In my first marriage, it was domestic violence. A child was born second marriage, verbal abuse I don’t know what to do. I mentioned it to a friend of mine and she told me I need to get some help.

        1. Have you contacted a women’s shelter? They might have suggestions for appropriate care providers that might be able to address some of this in a confidential way & won’t fire up your home situation. Just an idea. Know you are stronger than you think.

      1. Yes. That number works in the Northeast and nationally. Here is the only downside: they notify services in your area code. If you are a college student away from home in a different area code, it gets complicated unless the patient identifies their location. But! They offer great services.

    3. I’m going through mental health issues… there is help out there. Call your local ambulance, go to the hospital and let them know you need help… they will help you

      1. Giving it to God isn’t a solution. My sister was a devout Christian even traveling to Kenya to save others into Christianity, she went to women in jails to show the way to God. She was always helping the homeless. She took her own life without warning on March 22, 2024. Call an ambulance don’t worry about the cost there are organizations who will help you with the cost! Be your own advocate Scream for help if necessary! Best of luck and God Bless

      2. Yes, God can help you while you’re getting professional help. If you had cancer, would you just tell someone that if they just had enough faith, they’d get well? That’s not how it works. Bipolar is an illness. It can be treated. It may not make it disappear forever, but it can help you deal with it.

  1. For anyone in need of mental health services, I also recommend contacted 988. It will automatically patch you in to a local organization that can refer you to local mental health services that accept your insurance.

  2. No matter what kind of insurance you have, or none, they all tell me the same thing. I need help, but instead they want me to go and have myself admitted to the psych ward. So because I can’t get the help my child needs from the school, school board or anyone else over being bullied, they just tell me when DCs comes to my home I have to work with the school that is not doing anything about it, but saying it is my fault my child is being bullied. I’m just tired of stupidity. my son is missing out on life, support and and everything else.

  3. That’s not true. Every county has mental health and social services departments. They can point you in the right direction.

  4. If you are struggling, I urge you to seek help. I had to many, many years ago and because I did I have been on meds for over 20 years and doing a lot better now because of it. Yes…you might need a short inpatient stay at the beginning, but it’s not the end of the world. It’s how they can figure out a diagnosis and what meds to put you on. Call your local crisis response center and ask for help!

  5. I have seen 3 psychiatrists and 2 PhD psychologists that all 5 have diagnosed me with major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, substance use disorder and PTSD and it’s a tough road trying to keep keeping on. I meet all of the 7 signs mentioned and could use some meaningful advise here……

  6. I need serious help o am in a dark place which I already know how I would hurt myself.

    1. Caroline West, join the club! I’ve been in the same dark place for close to a year and every day I am a step closer. I’ve planned in my head the how and when. I am in the midst of contacting Compassionate Choices ( Known as ” Right to Die” or “Assisted Suicide”. Many states have made this a legal action and believe that a person who is suffering tremendously should have that right so long as they are of a sound mind and have severe chronic condition that ruins there ability to function. It’s usually related to chronic health conditions but in a landmark case very recently it was approved for a young women who has lived with chronic and debilitating depression since she was 7 years old and CHOSE TO DIE RATHER THEN SUFFER AS SHE DID. It is sad to think some people reach a decision to end their lives because of the inability and FAILURES of the MEDICAL AND INSURANCE INDUSTRIES! As for me while I do have many chronic medical conditions, which includes Coronary Heart Disease, Insulin Dependant Diabetes, C.O.P.D. and more, it was 3 years ago when I started seeing Dr. Faina Shnaydman that I became the subject of a narcissist doctor who knowing I didn’t have family and was very isolated ( especially throughout the COVID pandemic) at that time who saw I was an empathetic, ( caring person) and began to use, abuse, exploit, gaslight, manipulate me etc. I wound up feeling like she was an angel coming to my rescue. Her tales of living me, telling me she couldn’t lose me, without me in her life, ” she would have no one to pick her up. As I started to catch her in lie after lue, broken promises on top of broken promises I made many efforts to end the relationship, but always got manipulated and guilted into her 20+ calls a day, her showing up uninvited by me, her hugging and kissing and crying and empty promises of her promising to change, and swearing for her saying ” you know how much I care and would never hurt you”. As a vulnerable and sick and isolated person I needed to believe these things and I wound up not ending the relationship.
      Now getting to my physically illnesses, she lied about those to, either not diagnosis properly, or not treating me properly and I quickly became sicker and sicker. Eventually Dr. Shnaydman discarded me, blocked me from any and every way that I would be able to contact her, not only the “friendship, intimate,” aspects of our relationship, but the medical necessity calls
      She has now been on a smear campaign which had blackballed me to all my doctors, and I’ve been unable to get a QUALIFIED DOCTOR to agree to treat me. She has been reported for fraud by Medicare and made to pay back any monies she received, she is currently being investigated by DOH, Office of Professional Medical Conduct,band I am being left to die and at the same time unable to get therapy.
      This is one sure way people fall through the cracks and eventually do a great deal of harm to themselves or others.
      This past year as been a trip I was on no one except the people and powers that govern doctors and use and abuse any laws that made us United States feel more like a third world country. It is not the U.S. I grow up in with dignity and freedom of choice and doctors living up to the OATH that they take. It starts with the doctors cheating, neglect, lies, gaslighting, and then given a stamp of approval by the people, oganiations, and government, so that there is no accountability, and the VICTIMS JUST CONTINUE TO SUFFER BY THE LACK OF TREATMENT THEY NEED AND CANT GET. WE ALL NEED TO BAN TOGETHER AND MAKE CHANGES HAPPEN. I AM SORRY FOR ALL OF US THAT ARE SUFFERING DUR TO WRONG CARE, NO CARE, AND THE ABILITY FOR OUR GOVERNMENT OVER SITE TO FAIL US.

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