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Kenya Moore and Marc Daly finalize divorce, settle child support terms

Couple agrees on child support and custody terms for daughter Brooklyn after 3-year legal battle
Kenya Moore
Kenya Moore (Photo credit: / Jamie Lamor Thompson)

Kenya Moore and Marc Daly, known from the “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” have officially concluded their divorce proceedings. The couple, who have been separated since September 2019, have come to a mutual agreement regarding the custody and support of their daughter, Brooklyn.

Divorce and custody details

A judge recently approved the divorce settlement between Moore and Daly, granting Moore primary custody of their 5-year-old daughter, Brooklyn. Despite Moore’s higher earnings, Daly has agreed to contribute $2,000 monthly towards child support, in addition to $1,000 monthly towards a college savings plan for Brooklyn. The agreement stipulates that neither party will receive alimony or spousal support.

Joint custody agreement

The former couple will share joint legal custody, allowing Daly to participate in significant decisions affecting their daughter’s life. Custody exchanges will take place in public locations to ensure transparency and cooperation between Moore and Daly.

Reflections on the settlement

Moore expressed relief at the resolution of the divorce, which had been in litigation for over three years. “After more than three years of litigation, I have finally been granted a divorce,” Moore said in a statement to People magazine. The statement highlights the lengthy and often challenging process of legal separation.

The finalized divorce marks the end of a chapter for Moore and Daly, who had married in 2017 but described their marriage as “irretrievably broken” in court documents.

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