Kim Kardashian fears she’s becoming a full robot

The reality TV star says her calm response to a 2016 robbery has repercussions on her current mental health
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian (Photo credit: Bang Media)

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris in 2016. The trauma has left her “frozen” in knowing that staying cool saved her from being seriously hurt during the terrifying ordeal, so she wants to work through what happened with her therapist before she stops being able to express herself.

“[My therapist] was like, ‘You think calm is your superpower. I think you are so desensitised from trauma that you literally are frozen in fight or flight,” Kim — who has four children with ex-husband Kanye West — told her sister Khloé on the latest episode of “The Kardashians.”

“So then she was like, ‘One time in life something happened, and you remained calm, and that worked for you. So you will always choose calm,'” Kim continued.

Khloé then insisted it didn’t take a “detective” to realize the Paris robbery had had such an impact on her sister’s behavior.

“You weren’t calm before. Kim, you were a lunatic. You became calm,” she replied. “You were never calm as a teenager, in your 20s. You cried about everything. You were bratty. You threw tantrums. Everything stopped after you got robbed because you stayed calm in that situation. You even said, ‘My calmness is what kept me alive.’ That’s when it started. It doesn’t take a f—— detective to figure that one out.”

In a confessional, Kim admitted she feared people would “take advantage” of her calm nature.

“I mean, imagine you’re, like, gun to your head, getting tied up, dragged across a hotel room. And the guy — I remember him telling me, ‘Just, like, stay calm, and you’ll live.’ And I did that,” she said. “[It] served me well at that time, and I think it saved my life.

“But I think I’ve let it get too calm to where people could take advantage of my calmness — or I’m just turning into a full robot with, like, no emotion,” Kim stated.

Kim previously told of her fear that the robbers — who stole millions of dollars worth of jewelry — would shoot her in the back.

“They ask for money. I said I don’t have any money,” she said on “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”

“They dragged me out onto the hallway on top of the stairs. That’s when I saw the gun clear, like, clear as day. I was kind of looking at the gun, looking down back at the stairs,” she recalled.

“I was, like, I have a split second in my mind to make this quick decision,” she said. “Am I going to run down the stairs and be shot in the back? It makes me so upset to think about it. Either they’re going to shoot me in the back, or — if I make it and they don’t, if the elevator does not open in time, or the stairs are locked — then, like, I’m f—–. There’s no way out.”

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