On the acclaimed PBS series “Finding Your Roots,” hosted by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., celebrities delve into their family histories using DNA analysis. The show has unveiled some astonishing truths about their ancestry, from unexpected relatives to unsettling connections to slavery. Here are some of the most shocking revelations from the series.
Kerry Washington’s surprising family secret
Actress Kerry Washington discovered that her father hesitated to share his DNA due to a secret: she was conceived with the help of a sperm donor. This revelation, while initially difficult, deepened her love for her parents.
Dionne Warwick’s historic family background
Singer Dionne Warwick learned that her great-great-grandfather owned a farm in Georgia during the early 1900s, a remarkable achievement for a Black family at that time.
Whoopi Goldberg’s DNA connection
During a special appearance on “The View,” Gates revealed that Whoopi Goldberg is related to NFL tight end Tony Gonzalez, making them DNA cousins.
Ciara’s unexpected family tie
In a January 2004 episode, singer Ciara was shocked to discover she shares a familial connection with former New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter, revealing a long identical stretch of DNA.
Tracy Morgan’s emotional discovery
Comedian Tracy Morgan learned that rapper Nas is his third cousin. The emotional moment brought both to tears as they embraced their newfound family connection.
Danielle Brooks’ Civil War connection
Actress Danielle Brooks discovered that one of her ancestors fought for the Union army during the Civil War, a revelation that filled her with pride.
Sunny Hostin’s surprising ancestry
Co-host of “The View,” Sunny Hostin, learned that her maternal grandfather was involved in the slave trade, a shocking twist for someone who identifies as Afro-Latina.
LeVar Burton’s educational legacy
Actor LeVar Burton found out that his passion for education runs in the family, as both his grandfather and great-grandfather were school superintendents.
These revelations from “Finding Your Roots” highlight the complex and often surprising nature of ancestry. The show continues to shed light on the rich histories of its guests, reminding us that our family stories are often more intricate than we realize.