Overcoming someday syndrome: A path to achieving your dreams

Someday Syndrome is a universal experience where individuals delay pursuing their dreams, believing that the right moment will eventually arrive
Someday syndrome
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Many of us have experienced the feeling of wanting to pursue our dreams but holding back due to various excuses. This phenomenon, often referred to as “Someday Syndrome,” can prevent us from taking the necessary steps to achieve our goals. In this article, we will explore what Someday Syndrome is, how it manifests in our lives and practical strategies to overcome it.

Understanding Someday Syndrome

Someday Syndrome is a universal experience where individuals delay pursuing their dreams, believing that the right moment will eventually arrive. This mindset can lead to procrastination and missed opportunities. For instance, you might think, “Someday, when I feel ready, I’ll start that fitness journey,” or “Someday, when my children are older, I’ll take that long-desired vacation.” However, the reality is that waiting for the perfect conditions often leads to inaction.

Dr. Sarah Sarkis, a licensed psychologist and executive coach, shares her personal journey with Someday Syndrome. After relocating to Hawaii and running a successful therapy practice, she found herself yearning for something more. Despite her achievements, she felt restless and kept postponing her dreams, such as starting a blog or writing a book, believing that someday she would find the time and motivation to do so.

The Impact of Someday Syndrome

Someday Syndrome can have a profound impact on our lives. It creates a false sense of security, leading us to believe that we have all the time in the world to pursue our passions. However, as Dr. Sarkis learned from her mother, who was battling cancer at the time, life is unpredictable, and waiting for the right moment can result in lost opportunities.

Recognizing the signs of Someday Syndrome is the first step toward overcoming it. It often appears as a pattern of making excuses or deferring goals to an unspecified future. By becoming aware of these tendencies, you can begin to take control of your aspirations.

Strategies to Overcome Someday Syndrome

Overcoming Someday Syndrome requires intentionality and self-reflection. Here are some practical steps to help you break free from this mindset:

1. Engage in Self-Reflection

Start by observing your thoughts and conversations about your goals. Notice when you mention a future time to pursue something. This awareness is crucial for identifying how often you defer your dreams.

2. Make a List of Specific Examples

Document the various ways Someday Syndrome manifests in your life. Be specific and detailed. For instance:

  • I skip the gym by saying I’ll go when I have more energy.
  • I haven’t started my manuscript because I’m waiting for my child to start school.
  • I keep saying I’ll start dating again, but I’m waiting until I feel better about myself.

Creating this list helps bring unconscious patterns to the surface, making it easier to address them.

3. Assess Your List with a Practical Eye

Choose one item from your list and brainstorm small, actionable steps to move it from the realm of the unknown future to something you can do today. For example, instead of waiting to feel more ready, apply for that dream job now or agree to go on that date.

4. Continue Showing Up for Your Goals

Once you take that first step, continue to build on it. Dr. Sarkis started her blog shortly after her mother passed away, committing to not wait any longer to pursue her writing dreams. She then took incremental steps, such as appearing on podcasts and public speaking, to further her goals.

Managing Someday Syndrome is an ongoing process that requires continuous reflection and action. By focusing on small, achievable steps, you can create momentum toward your dreams and avoid the trap of waiting for the perfect moment.

Someday Syndrome can hold you back from living the life you desire. By recognizing its presence in your life and taking proactive steps to overcome it, you can transform your dreams into reality. Remember, the time to act is now, not someday.

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